WRLC Handbook

9. Employee Relations

9. Employee Relations

901 Performance Appraisals

Employees and supervisors should communicate regularly throughout the year about the employee’s responsibilities, projects and performance. Formal written performance evaluations for all employees are conducted at least annually (mid-year reviews are recommended) using the WRLC Performance Feedback forms available from the Director of Finance and Administration. Between scheduled appraisals, supervisors should discuss with employees any performance concerns that require attention, and should keep written records of any significant incidents. 

The performance appraisal process is essential to ensuring that each of us is focused on priorities that will result in the success of the WRLC. During the annual performance evaluation meeting, the supervisor and employee discuss the employee’s performance over the past year. The supervisor and the employee each offer reviews of the employee’s contributions to the department’s goals and to WRLC’s vision/mission. The appraisal will include the supervisor's assessment or the employee’s attainment of previously set objectives, recommendations for growth, and performance goals for the next evaluation period. The completed evaluation becomes part of the employee’s personnel record.

With newly hired employees, appraisals will be completed after the probationary period (employee's first three months of employment for a new hire), and after the employee's first three months in a new position resulting from a transfer or promotion.

902 Disciplinary Actions and Dismissal

This Section 902 describes WRLC’s general philosophy on employee discipline. At all times, WRLC employees remain at-will, and WRLC may terminate the employment arrangement for any lawful reason, or for no reason, regardless of the severity of any alleged infraction. 

The WRLC sets expectations for employees regarding job performance, time and attendance, and conduct. Employees are responsible for meeting these expectations and must understand that failure to meet expectations may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.

903 Problem Resolutions

Dispute Resolution Procedure

The WRLC encourages open and constructive communication. When an employee cannot resolve job-related problems or when they feel unfairly treated, they should first seek assistance from their supervisor who is responsible for making a good faith effort to air differences and to find resolutions to problems. If these efforts are not successful, an employee is entitled to communicate the problem to the next level of management; the appropriate Director or the Executive Director.

An employee can proceed without fear of prejudice or reprisal and with full assurance that their confidence will be respected.

This procedure is available to all permanent part-time and full-time employees.