2022 WRLC Annual Meeting Registration
is Now Open

Registration is now open for the 2022 WRLC Annual Meeting. All programs will be virtual.
- The Annual Meeting will kick off on Wednesday, March 18th with a virtual lunch from 12:00 Noon to 12:45 PM.
- Join us for a 90 minute “Renewal Colloquium" that will explore morale and ambiguity in libraries during COVID-19, led by Kaetrena Davis Kendrick beginning at 1:00 PM on Wednesday, March 18th.
- Breakout sessions, highlighting over a dozen presentations by your colleagues from throughout the Consortium, will take place Tuesday – Thursday, May 24-26th, 2022.
Check out the full agenda, learn about the Renewal Colloquium that will be presented by Kaetrena Davis Kendrick and pick your preferred Breakout/Concurrent Sessions.
We look forward to seeing you there!
- Mark Jacobs (WRLC) and Derrick Jefferson (AU)
On behalf of the Sharing Expertise Committee
WRLC Technology Showcase Presenters Needed!
This year’s WRLC Annual Meeting features a breakout session where presenters will share technology tools they are leveraging in innovative ways to support their work and enhance resources and services.
Have you found an app that increases your productivity? Are you creating more impactful images and visualizations than before? Did you discover some new tool that helps engage students in the classroom or optimize your code? The WRLC Technology Showcase wants to hear about it!
We are looking for 5-6 people to give a short, five-minute lightning talk to demo the tool, share how it is been used to make an improvement, and answer questions from attendees. If you are interested, please fill out this short form by Friday, April 15th.
- Morgan Stoddard (GW) and Tom Boone (WRLC)
WRLC Technology Showcase organizers
Are you interested in issues related to outreach and marketing? If so, please consider joining the WRLC Outreach Interest Group (OIG).
The mission of the WRLC OIG is to provide a community for interested members of the WRLC to advance outreach and marketing initiatives and best practices on our individual campuses and within the WRLC Consortium. OIG will provide a forum for members to learn from each other, share their expertise and best practices, and collaborate on outreach initiatives including but not limited to consortial level initiatives along with shared and individual programming, communications, and projects.
The interest group will have a listserv that members can use to share announcements, ask questions, or seek partners for collaboration. The interest group will also develop a local repository of Creative Commons licensed marketing material for use among the WRLC libraries.
This is a new interest group, and we are seeking interested members from all WRLC partner libraries. If you are interested in joining, please fill out this very brief survey or contact Meghan Kowalski, Outreach and Reference Librarian, University of the District of Columbia, at meghan.kowalski@udc.edu.
- Meghan Kowalski (UDC)
Announcing the Preservation Archive for WRLC
The WRLC is pleased to announce a new digital preservation service to provide dedicated digital object storage, designated and managed specifically for digital preservation. The Preservation Archive for WRLC (PAW) is built on the OAIS standard Archivematica platform and supports the storage of multiple copies of digital resources in separate geographic locations with different disaster threats.
Digital resources in Archivematica are stored in a container called an archival information package (AIP). In PAW the AIPs can be stored at WRLC and in cloud storage, thus providing geographic distribution with different disaster threats and storage media types. WRLC has created an automated pipeline using the Archivematica APIs to export content from Islandora and ingest it into PAW, storing the resulting AIPs in the cloud provider’s US West region. Starting this month we will begin running the pipeline on the most valuable collections as identified by the libraries using the Islandora repository.
For the Islandora pipeline, Archivematica is used to create and store AIPs, with processing steps limited to file fixity verification and virus scanning. However, Archivematica can do much more to support digital preservation activities, such as identifying and normalizing file formats, checking policy conformance, adding metadata, and performing OCR. If any partners are interested in using PAW for other content, we can provision an Archivematica dashboard to run custom pipelines and work with you to integrate PAW in your digital preservation workflows.
- Don Gourley (WRLC)
Director of Information Technology
Single-Copy Periodical Retention Project
Journals transferred to the WRLC Shared Collections Facility are subject to the shared copy policy adopted by the WRLC Library Directors Council in 2008 to limit duplication of bound journal volumes housed in the SCF. The WRLC Shared Copy Policy triggers a retention commitment when a duplicate copy of a journal volume is sent to the SCF. This policy has resulted in a collection of nearly 10,000 journal titles that are retained on behalf of the WRLC libraries and for our shared print partners in Scholars Trust and the Rosemont Shared Print Alliance.
In addition to the 10,000 titles we have retained to date, there is a similar number of journal titles for which we have never received a second copy at the SCF. Using a shared print overlap tool recently developed by the California Digital Library, Center for Research Libraries, and HathiTrust, we are now able to tell which of these journal titles have retention commitments by shared print programs in the United States and Canada. The results show that nearly 4,000 journal titles shelved in the SCF are held by three or fewer shared print programs in the US and Canada.
The WRLC Coordinated Collections Committee (CCC) made the decision that those journal titles with fewer than three retention commitments should also be retained and added to our shared print commitments. We have now marked those items in the SCF Institution Zone (IZ) and they will be retained according to the shared copy policy. The final step in this process will be to circulate the lists of journal titles to each shared periodical collection partner to mark the retention commitment in the owning library’s IZ and to create summary holdings statements so our retention commitment can be shared with our international shared print community. Thank you to the CCC for your hard work on this complex project.
- Aaron Krebeck (WRLC)
Director of Library and User Services
OER + Ancillaries: It’s About the Book- but it’s not Just the Book!
Textbook costs have increased by over 1,000% since 1977 and students are a captive market. This environment becomes increasingly concerning as the number of publishers decreases- threatening the diversity of material that is available.
The primary focus for OER material may be textbooks, but OER ancillary materials and multimedia resources are also available to augment the courseware. When considering OER, don’t limit the search to just the textbook. Quizzes, slide decks, discussion questions, videos, lectures, and images are also available for courseware material. And, as always, instructors are free to use as little or as much as they prefer. This is an ideal opportunity to add desirable material to a syllabus without adding to the burden of textbook costs.
This list of OER Multimedia Resources, curated by Meghan Kowalski, UDC’s Outreach and OER Librarian, is a great place to start for multimedia courseware needs:
In the original document, the three headings below were in three side-by-side columns. I don’t know whether that is possible in MailChimp, but it made for a very efficient display.
The following handout and slide presentation are also great opportunities to learn more about discovering OER ancillary material. Both resources accompany the webinar on OER Ancillary Materials, as part of the Maryland OER Webinar Series. They are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which allows reuse, revision, and redistribution so long as the original creator (Rebus Community) is attributed.
As always, if you are interested in learning more about Open Education Resources at WRLC, please contact us at open@wrlc.org. Please be sure to include your name, institution, job title, and any additional comments. We look forward to hearing from you!
- Textbook Affordability Working Group (TAWG)
Call for Participation on the Partnership for Shared Book Collections Operations Committee
The Partnership for Shared Book Collections is soliciting representation from the membership to fill a Member-at-Large vacancy on the Operations Committee (OC). This is a 3 year term from July 2022 - June 2025. This request is being sent to all programs not currently represented on the OC.
The Operations Committee (OC)
- The purpose of the OC is to work with the Program Coordinator to monitor and oversee the work of the working groups. The OC works closely with the Program Coordinator on guiding the strategic direction of the Partnership, advises the Executive Committee on that direction, prepares grant proposals, timelines and business model plans, and may recommend to the Executive Committee the appointment of other working groups or task forces.
- The OC consists of individuals with operational shared print roles (e.g. program managers) and those with leadership roles (e.g. program/consortial directors) at Partnership Member Programs and their participating libraries
- The OC includes the conveners of the four Partnership Working Groups – Best Practices, Communications and Advocacy, Infrastructure, and Research and Network Level, as well as up to 4 Members-at-Large. The Operations Committee meets virtually for one hour on a monthly basis, and quarterly with the Executive Committee for 90 minute meetings, and collaborates via email as necessary.
- See the Partnership Governance document for more information on the OC and how it fits into the overall governance of the Partnership.
Are you interested in serving as a Member-at-Large on the Partnership Operations Committee? Or, would you like to nominate a colleague to serve? Contact Mark Jacobs at jacobs@wrlc.org no later than Tuesday, April 26.
- Mark Jacobs (WRLC)
Executive Director
Event - Digital Scholarship Fundamentals Workshops
Sponsored by the Catholic University Libraries and the Department of Library and Information Science
PIDs and the Research Lifecycle Mon., April 11, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
PIDs (Persistent Identifiers) are long-lasting references to digital resources that play a significant role in the research lifecycle. Learn the fundamentals of PIDs, the types of PIDs, how PIDs work, and the impact of PIDs on your research. Examples include researcher IDs (e.g., ORCID), work IDs (e.g., DOIs), and organization / publisher IDs (e.g., Ringgold). The session will end with a quick demo on how to set up your ORCID account in their new user interface.
Register through the Events page at libraries.catholic.edu (CUA members only) or by contacting Kevin Gunn (gunn@cua.edu). Unless otherwise indicated, the instructor for each session will be Kevin Gunn, Coordinator of Digital Scholarship. All workshops will take place on Zoom, recorded, and made available on the Catholic University Libraries' YouTube Channel.
Event - ASERL Professional Development Activities
ASERL offers a wide variety of webinars at no cost for members and other interested professionals. NOTE: ASERL’s Code of Conduct is in effect for all webinar participants. See http://www.aserl.org/aserl_code_of_conduct/. ASERL webinars are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Toward a More Perfect Union: ASERL webcast with National Leadership
April 4, 2022 at 2pm ET / 1pm Central Time
REGISTER: https://www.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_FT7Yu95OQ4eSCafjgb8Rwg
MLIS Curriculum Moving Forward: Future Outlook and Trends
April 5, 2022 at 2pm Eastern Time/1pm Central Time
REGISTER: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4578021591963986956
Ph.D. “Dropouts” Part 2
April 6, 2022 at 2pm Eastern Time/1pm Central Time
REGISTER: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4277662499945249549
Using Primary Source Collections to support Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Publishing, Teaching and Learning
April 13, 2022 at 11am ET / 10am Central Time
REGISTER: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7379235272278254091
Seeing the Far Side: How ‘Policy Commons’ finds, preserves, and rescues grey literature
April 19, 2022 at 10:30am ET / 9:30am Central Time
REGISTER: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1612348461085839887
Machine Learning and Collection Assessment: Questions, Concepts, and Examples
April 21, 2022 at 2pm Eastern Time/1pm Central Time
REGISTER: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5285182391350336782
Celebrating Asian Americans in Academic Libraries, An Asia Pacific Islander Desi Awareness Month Special Presentation
April 21, 2022 at 3:30pm Eastern Time/2:30pm Central Time
REGISTER: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6405743070563816719
Timely Talks with Library Leaders III
April 26, 2022 at 2pm Eastern Time/1pm Central time
REGISTER: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1131503438897304336
The Great Resignation and Burnout Series: Dean’s Perspective
April 27, 2022 at 2pm Eastern Time/1pm Central Time
REGISTER: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6545695507107926542
SACSCOC in Libraries: An Emergent Discussion on the Reaffirmation Process
May 17, 2022 at 2pm Eastern Time/1pm Central Time
REGISTER: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5591951633830758412
Timely Talks with Library Leaders III
May 25, 2022 at 2pm Eastern Time/1pm Central time
REGISTER: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/711165641156828175
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about
how to join the webinar. For past webinars, please see our Archive for recordings and speaker materials.