6. Work Conditions

601 Safety

Safety must be every employee’s concern.

It is the responsibility of the WRLC to provide the necessary training, guidance and communication to allow all employees to safely fulfill their position responsibilities. It is the responsibility of each employee to follow approved safety guidelines, participate in required training programs, abide by any laws or regulations, and to exercise appropriate caution in all work activities. Employees are expected to immediately report any unsafe condition to an available supervisor.

Employees who violate safety standards, who cause hazardous or dangerous situations, or who fail to report or, where appropriate, remedy such situations, may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

In the case of accidents that result in injury, regardless of how insignificant the injury may appear, employees should immediately notify the Director of Finance and Administration and the appropriate supervisor. Such reports are necessary to comply with laws and to initiate insurance and workers' compensation benefits procedures.

When on WRLC business away from the WRLC facility, employees are expected to abide by all federal, state and local laws and regulations.

602 Smoking

Smoking is prohibited throughout the workplace.

Receptacles are located near the garage and break room exits of the building for those who wish to smoke outside the building. Employees may only smoke in these two areas and are expected to use the receptacles for disposal of smoking material.

This policy applies equally to all employees, customers, and visitors.

603 Adverse Weather Conditions

In the event of adverse weather conditions, the WRLC does not want to endanger those employees who must work at the WRLC site. Employees who are required to work on site will be given leave on these occasions. The decision to close for those employees who must work on site is at the discretion of the Director of Library and User Services and SCF Supervisor based on weather closures/delays at the partner institutions. Notification of closures/schedule changes will be sent to WRLC Alert and WRLC Staff email lists. 

All other employees are expected to be prepared to work from home if adverse weather is in the forecast. 

Leave will be granted as follows:

  • If the WRLC is open, all scheduled staff members are expected to work their regular hours.  
  • If there is a closure or delay in opening, the Director of Library and User Services will contact the SCF Supervisor by 6:00 AM so that SCF staff and the courier drivers can be notified.
  • If the WRLC facility is closed due to adverse weather conditions, employees who must work on site are not expected to work and are not charged for time off. Employees who are able to work remotely are expected to do so. Employees who choose not to work remotely when the WRLC facility is closed due to adverse weather conditions may take unpaid leave, vacation time or personal leave if available.

If the Executive Director announces that WRLC will close early during normal business hours, employees will not be charged for time off.

604 Workplace Violence Prevention

The WRLC is committed to creating and maintaining a safe workplace.

All employees, including supervisors and temporary employees, will be treated with courtesy and respect at all times.

All threats of, or actual violence, should be reported as soon as possible to your immediate supervisor, Director or the Executive Director. If an employee feels they are in immediate danger, call 911. Anyone determined to be responsible for threats of, or actual violence will be subject to prompt disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.  

Firearms, weapons, and other dangerous or hazardous devices or substances are always prohibited from the premises of WRLC.

Copyright © , WRLC | 901 Commerce Drive, Upper Marlboro, MD 20774 | (301) 390-2000 | https://wrlc.org